Eddystone User Group

Eddystone User Group Newsletters

The principle activity of the Eddystone User Group was the publication of a newsletter to members six times per year. From 1990 to 2006 some 96 issues of the newsletter were produced. For the first half of its life. the newsletter was edited by its Founder Ted Moore G7AIR. For the past 8 years the editor has been Graeme Wormald G3GGL and from issue 61 it was renamed The Lighthouse. An early feature of the newsletter was the “featured set” whereby a particular Eddystone Receiver was described in some detail. Featured sets started to tail off after issue 70 as by then most sets had been covered. The collection of newsletters represents the greatest known written archive about Eddystone Radios. It was the wish of the Eddystone User Group Trust, that when it ceased to be a membership organisation, this information would be made available to all via the internet. We are deeply indebted to David Oakden who without complaint or recompense scanned each copy of the newsletter manually into Adobe PDF format. These are still available to purchase on either CD ROM or DVD (see Have your Newsletters on CD ROM or DVD), where they are scanned in at the highest quality level. The versions available here to down load are compressed and still give readable copies, either on screen or when printed out. We are also deeply indebted to Anthony Richards who has also without complaint and recompense created indexes for each set of newsletters and also a master index covering all 96 issues. Without the efforts of these fine gentlemen we would not be able to make this information available to you.

We hope at some stage to create a search facility for the newsletters, but for now we recommend you print off the master index and use that to find which issue(s) of the newsletter, has the information you are looking for. You can then download the issue from the list below. Remember that these files are quite large and depending upon your broadband or dial up facilities may take some time to download.



NEW Adobe PDF searchable indexes, prepared by Alan Ainslie, based on Anthony’s indexes. There are three indexes;

  1. Index of EUG Newsletters 1-96 covering the SETS designations (download 5Mb)
  2. Index of EUG Newsletters 1-96 covering the GENERAL information (download 8Mb)
  3. Index of EUG Newsletters 1-96 covering both SETS and GENERAL information (download 13Mb)

When you have downloaded the indexes on to your computer you can use the Adobe Search facility to find all the references to the set or event you are looking for.

Thanks to Alan and Anthony for this useful facility


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EUG ne3 EUG ne4

EUG ne5 EUG ne6

EUG ne7 EUG ne8

List of Eddystone User Group Newsletters
Master Index (Sets only) Issues 1 – 96(240kB)

(thanks to Anthony Richards GW4RYK)

Issue No Date Featured Set File Size Mb
EUGN1 May-Jun 1990 840A EUGN1 2.6
EUGN2 July-Aug 1990 940 EUGN2 2.1
EUGN3 Sep-Oct 1990 740 EUGN3 3.5
EUGN4 Nov-Dec 1990 670 EUGN4 5.5
EUGN5 Jan-Feb 1991 680X EUGN5 5.1
EUGN6 Mar-Apr 1991 640 EUGN6 4.5
EUGN7 May-Jun 1991 840C EUGN7 6.9
EUGN8 July-Aug 1991 990S EUGN8 8.0
EUGN9 Sep-Oct 1991 770R EUGN9 9.4
EUGN10 Nov-Dec 1991 EC10 EUGN10 9.9
EUGN11 Jan-Feb 1992 EB35 EUGN11 8.4
EUGN12 Mar-Apr 1992 750 EUGN12 10.5
EUGN13 May-June 1992 All World 8 EUGN13 6.8
EUGN14 July-Aug 1992 EC958 EUGN14 1.5
EUGN15 Sep-Oct 1992 Sphinx EUGN15 5.0
EUGN16 Nov-Dec 1992 960 EUGN16 6.1
EUGN17 Jan-Feb 1993 730/4 EUGN17 4.1
EUGN18 Mar-Apr 1993 Kilodyne 4 EUGN18 5.5
EUGN19 May-June 1993 All World 6 EUGN19 10.9
EUGN20 July-Aug 1993 820 EUGN20 5.9
EUGN21 Sep-Oct 1993 504 EUGN21 11.4
EUGN22 Nov-Dec1993 ECR EUGN22 5.1
EUGN23 Jan-Feb 1994 888A EUGN23 5.6
EUGN24 Mar-Apr 1994 870 EUGN24 4.7
EUGN25 May-Jun 1994 1000 EUGN25 6.2
EUGN26 Jul-Aug 1994 840 EUGN26 7.6
EUGN27 Sep-Oct 1994 670C EUGN27 7.5
EUGN28 Nov-Dec 1994 All World Two EUGN28 7.5
EUGN29 Jan-Feb 1995 680 EUGN29 7.3
EUGN30 Feb-Mar 1995 ERA EUGN30 8.1
EUGN31 Apr-May 1995 909A EUGN31 8.8
EUGN32 June-Aug 1995 31A EUGN32 9.5
EUGN33 Sep-Oct 1995 670A EUGN33 8.5
EUGN34 Nov-Dec 1995 EB35 Mk 2 EUGN34 10.7
EUGN35 Jan-Feb 1996 1570 EUGN35 10.2
EUGN36 Mar-Apr 1996 870A EUGN36 10.4
EUGN37 May-Jun 1996 910 EUGN37 11.0
EUGN38 Jul-Aug 1996 Ultra S W Radio Telephone EUGN38 11.6
EUGN39 Sep-Oct 1996 850/4 EUGN39 11.4
EUGN40 Nov-Dec 1996 Everyman Short Wave EUGN40 11.8
EUGN41 Jan-Feb 1997 Scientific Two EUGN41 13.2
EUGN42 Mar-Apr 1997 Edometer EUGN42 12.0
EUGN43 May-Jun 1997 Four Band Amateur TX EUGN43 14.0
EUGN44 Jul-Aug1997 EA12 EUGN44 11.0
EUGN45 Sep-Oct 1997 Homelander EUGN45 9.6
EUGN46 Nov-Dec 1997 880/2 EUGN46 9.9
EUGN47 Jan-Feb 1998 RAFCWR/RNWAR Tx EUGN47 10.0
EUGN48 Mar-Apr 1998 770U EUGN48 11.2
EUGN49 May-June 1998 EUGN49 13.4
EUGN50 Jul – Aug 1998 EB37 EUGN50 14.4
EUGN51 Sep-Oct 1998 930/12 EUGN51 15.0
EUGN52 Nov-Dec 1998 Orion 5000 EUGN52 15.5
EUGN53 Jan-Feb 1999 680X EUGN53 15.3
EUGN54 Mar-Apr 1999 EUGN54 15.0
EUGN55 May-June 1999 EUGN55 15.0
EUGN56 Jul-Aug 1999 Radio Sonde EUGN56 15.0
EUGN57 Sep-Oct 1999 750 EUGN57 15.0
EUGN58 Nov -Dec 1999 1650 EUGN58 9.2
EUGN59 Jan -Feb 2000 EY11 EUGN59 13.3
EUGN60 Mar-Apr 2000 1837 EUGN60 9.2
EUGN61 May-Jun 2000 Yachtsman EUGN61 10.0
EUGN62 Jul-Aug 2000 NZ Atlantic Two EUGN62 9.0
EUGN63 Sep-Oct 2000 EUGN63 16.0
EUGN64 Nov-Dec 2000 EUGN64 20.0
EUGN65 Jan-Feb 2001 All Wave Four 1930 EUGN65 14.0
EUGN66 Mar-Apr 2001 820 EUGN66 14.0
EUGN67 May-Jun 2001 S900Tx EUGN67 2.3
EUGN68 Jul-Aug 2001 710/1 EUGN68 9.2
EUGN69 Sep-Oct 2001 Eddystone Twin 1926 EUGN69 6.0
EUGN70 Nov -Dec 2001 EUGN70 10.0
EUGN71 Jan-Feb 2002 Eddystone Three 1926 EUGN71 7.0
EUGN72 Mar-Apr 2002 EUGN72 12.0
EUGN73 May-Jun 2002 EUGN73 12.0
EUGN74 Jul-Aug 2002 Kilodyne 4 EUGN74 8.0
EUGN75 Sep- Oct 2002 840 EUGN75 5.2
EUGN76 Nov-Dec 2002 EUGN76 7.2
EUGN77 Jan-Feb 2003 830 Special EUGN77 5.6
EUGN78 Mar-Apr 2003 Everyman Goes to War EUGN78 10.7
EUGN79 May-Jun 2003 EUGN79 4.9
EUGN80 Jul-Aug 2003 EUGN80 5.4
EUGN81 Sep-Oct 2003 EA12 EUGN81 5.2
EUGN82 Nov-Dec 2003 EUGN82 5.7
EUGN83 Jan-Feb 2004 S770U EUGN83 2.3
EUGN84 Mar-Apr 2004 EUGN84 3.0
EUGN85 May-Jun 2004 EUGN85 13.8
EUGN86 Jul-Aug 2004 EUGN86 14.1
EUGN87 Sept-Oct 2004 EUGN87 4.5
EUGN88 Nov-Dec 2004 EUGN88 20.0
EUGN89 Jan-Feb 2005 EUGN89 8.2
EUGN90 Mar-Apr 2005 Junk Box Baby EUGN90 12.0
EUGN91 May-Jun 2005 EUGN91 10.5
EUGN92 Jul-Aug 2005 S700 EUGN92 8.5
EUGN93 Sep-Oct 2005 EUGN93 5.2
EUGN94 Nov-Dec 2005 EUGN94 5.2
EUGN95 Jan-Feb 2006 Everest Homelander 1935 EUGN95 3.7
EUGN96 Mar-Apr 2006 EUGN96 6.0