Wanted Eddystone 830/7 receiver
Kevin KB0KJH in Central Virginia, USA is looking for an Eddystone 830/7 receiver. If you can help please contact him direct via e mail: Kevin Shoemaker <shoemakerlabs@gmail.com>
Kevin KB0KJH in Central Virginia, USA is looking for an Eddystone 830/7 receiver. If you can help please contact him direct via e mail: Kevin Shoemaker <shoemakerlabs@gmail.com>
Alan Cavender G4FNM in Stocksfield, Northumberland wants a KW160 ‘one-sixty’ transmitter to go with his Eddystone 730/4 receiver. If you can help Alan then please contact him at – alcav@yahoo.com
Simon M5POO in Corbridge, Northumberland is looking for a Multi Wave Switched Coil Unit originally made around 1935, for a little project he is working on. The one he is specifically after is the Cat. No. 961 option with 260/600 metres as the lowest frequency option. If anyone have one, either used or unused that they would be happy to part with please drop Simon a line at simon(at)m5poo(dot)co(dot)uk.
Eric White in Worcestershire UK is looking for an Eddystone EC10 Receiver (1963/1965) in good condition, although can be none working. If you can help Eric please contact him via email eewhite359@btinternet.com
Dean Preziosi of Shirley, Massachusetts, USA is seeking a left frame panel and disc set cover for an Eddystone 958/3. He has included a picture of the receiver showing the left side minus the two pieces. Please contact him at
tonym4704@gmail.com if you can help out.
Steve in Stroud, Glos is looking for an I.F. transformer for his S750 radio. The one he needs is marked as 3rd I.F. on the circuit diagram and has the part number D1535 stamped on the base plate, it’s the final 85KHZ variable bandwidth one, ( see attached picture). The secondary winding is O/C and Steve has checked the connections from the terminations of the coil to the connecting wire links and no break is visible so the failure is deep within the coil itself unfortunately. If you can help Steve contact him via e mail SteveJawor60@outlook.com
UPDATED 23/12/22
Andy Humphriss in Stratford upon Avon is looking to acquire the following for his E.C.R. receiver:
If you can help Andy contact him on andrew.humphriss222@outlook.com
Bob Clifford in Bromsgrove, Worcs, is looking for a replacement original power transformer for his recently purchased S640 as the one in-situ is non standard. If you can help Bob please contact him on bobaclifford@icloud.com
Alan Cavender, near Hexham in Northumberland, is looking for an Eddystone speaker for his 730/4 receiver. If you can help Alan then please contact him via e mail alcav@yahoo.com.
Bart Slager is looking for information and parts for his EP961 which until recently was working OK then suddenly lost high tension. Unfortunately the high tension unit is fully encapsulated and he has been unable to source a replacement.
Bart thinks that if he knew the part number of the transformer and the pcb he might have better luck. However his copy of the manual doesn’t have the section with the part numbers for the transformers and pcb’s.
Therefore he is seeking help from;
– anyone knows these parts numbers
– anyone has any experience in repairing the unit
– anyone is ready for selling an EP961MkII-B in parts or complete
If you can help Bart contact him via e mail on bart.slager@gmail.com