Make a Donation to the EUG fund
Access to the information on this web site is freely available to everyone. However web-sites don’t come for free and one and we do have annual ISP cost to pay for. We are fortunate to be able to fund the website and the maintenance of the archives through donations from our users, so if you have found this web site useful and would like to make a contribution to its upkeep please contact the EUG Patron, Chris Pettitt G0EYO via e mail g0eyo(at) ( replace (at) with @) and he will send you instructions on how to make a donation. Alternatively you can make a donation via paypal using account donations(at) marking the payment as gift to avoid paypal charges. Please let Chris know of your intentions so we can look out for the donation and thank you for your generosity.
We will keep an honour roll register of those Eddystone fans who have supported our cause through donations of money or content
Donation Honour Roll
- Eddystone User Group
- Jim McGowan M0MAC
- Anthony Watkiss
- Ian Evans
- Stephen Lindsay-Smith G1KXP
- Graeme Wormald G3GGL
- Bill GW0ION and Vera Cooke
- Roger Adam G7JAQ
- Ian Clark
- Roy Elwen
- Louis Meulstee PA0PCR
- Graham Marshall G3RJW
- Michael Cassidy
- Philip Davies (ex G1EMD)
- Mark Skidmore
- Graham Thomas
- Thomas Toth G4ORF
- Andy Dailey GM0REZ
- Gerry O’Hara G8GUH
- Richard Hall GM0OGN
- Phill Harris G4SPZ
- David Oakden
- Graham Stanley G8GYI
- Barry Jackson ZS2H
- Collin Stuart MM1APS
- Frank Garrett
- Peter Wilson
- Tony Bird G3MJX
- David Dickinson
- Richard Hall GM0OGN
- Dave Baker
- Tom Toth G4ORF
- Peter G3BPM
- Anonymous
- Tom Toth G4ORF
- Ian Evan, Ebbw Vale
- Mike G0NEY
- Chris G0EYO
- Roy Elwen
- Tony Smith
- Ian Nutt
- Mike Redmond
- Phil Harris
- Werner Kulman
- A Robinson
- A Stephney
- Bernard Harris
- Chris Mill
- Mike Osborne
- Warren K2ORS
- Rick Taylor
- Richard Seidon
- Ray Binning
- Joes Miguel Pena EA3BEM
- Ian Evans
- Alan G3WXI
- Albert Sephton
- Richard Pickup
- Fernando Z21BB
- Ken O’Brian
- Richard Hall GM0OGN
- Thomas Toth G4ORF
- Gary Moles New Zealand
- Andy Hearn G3UEQ
- Bernard Harris
- Alan Robinson
- Barry Jackson ZS2H
- Colin Young, Glasgow
- Rhys Griffiths
- Thomas Toth G4ORF
- Peter Runnalls
- Anthony Valentine
- Alan Robinson
- Louis Vermond VE3AWA
- Paul Karlas G3VCN
- Gerry Chanderl G0TAA
- Alan Strong G3WXI
- Paul Preston
- Stuart Whithnall
- Alan Brookes & Mike Osborne
- Ian Fleming G3ZDQ
- Richard Hall GM0OGN
- Carl Da Costa
- Allan Coughlin GW3TOB
- David Limmer
- Gerard Drinkwater
- Louis Vermond VE3AWA
- Nick van Vonno
- Simon Roberts
- Roy Bellwood
- Josef Lekostaj K9LY
- Bruce Murray
- Richard Harris G3OTK
- Tom Toth G4ORF
- Tony Zuiderwyk VK3HC
- Ian Mackay
- Hammond Electronics (makes of famous Eddystone Diecast Boxes)
- Guy Roberts G0UKN
- Derek Thom G3NKS
- Nick van Vonno
- Lou Blasco VK3ALB
- Frank Chadwick
- Louis Vermond VE3AWA
- Richard Hall GM0OGN
- Anthony Norden M0WWV
- Stuart Withnall
- Chris Sharp
- Joe LeKostaj K9LY
- Ian Reeve M0IDR
- Thomas Toth G4ORF
- Ian Reeve M0IDR
- Ken Brooks G3XSJ