Eddystone User Group

Author Archive

All World Two Receiver Wanted

August 21, 2021 By: chris Category: Wanted

Geo VE3GZB is looking to purchase a complete “All World Two” receiver in fair shape. If coils are not included or available he is still interested in a complete chassis with valves. But no “leaky attics” or “leaky basement” specials please. If you can help Geo, then contact him via e mail Gusli Kokle <guslikokle@gmail.com>




Rare Eddystone S910/1 receiver sold on E bay

July 08, 2021 By: chris Category: News

There was a little excitement on the EUG groups.io forum this week when a member spotted a rare Eddystone S910/1 marine receiver badged as a Marconi HR101. It eventually sold for the amazing sum of £487 which shows both its rarity and the fact that it was hard fought over.  Graeme’s G3GGL QRG entry states that “this set is a double superhet with interpolation tuning of first IF stage. Very similar in operation to the 830- series but in general appearance much like the 730-series. Contains 16 valves, 6 bands; coverage 1.5-30Mc/s and 375-525kc/s. First IF 1350-1450kc/s; second IF 85 kc/s. Production run 200. Very rare” Graeme didn’t have access to a picture of the set for the QRG but the seller was kind enough to provide one in his sale offer. The seller Ray G4NSJ from Worthing stated that “the receiver works but is a little deaf. Also, SSB reception isn’t quite right so that will need looking at. It probably needs a good overhaul, alignment, replacing capacitors etc.” The set looks in nice cosmetic condition considering it is 60 years old. Bet someone on this forum knows where it has ended up. 

Chris G0EYO Admin




Replacement Switch Wafers, new service from Ian Nutt M0ECQ

June 03, 2021 By: chris Category: News

Ian Nutt M0ECQ, who has provided a “not-for-profit” spares service for the Eddystone User Group for many years, has advised me that he has quite a sizeable stock of component parts for the switch wafers commonly used on Eddystone receivers and has the necessary tools for forming the hollow rivets used to hold the various parts in place. Ian has recently made a replacement wafer for an EUG member which is shown in the photo. The new one is on the right.

Ian tells me he may be able to repair other switch wafers for Eddystone users, (but he can’t guarantee it will always be possible).

Ian proposes the following procedure for those interested in this service

  • Interested persons should contact Ian by email ( iandcnutt@msn.com ) first and send him a photo of the wafer in question
  • If it looks repairable or replaceable Ian will ask the person to send the wafer to him
  • Ian  will then either make a replica from new parts or repair the old, whichever seems most appropriate, as long as this is possible from the parts he has.

Ian also has quite a few original NOS wafers in various styles including for some of the more modern sets, so it is worth checking with him if you need a replacement


Chris G0EYO EUG Admin

An RF earthing problem with Eddystone Receivers; article by Victor Jenkins

May 11, 2021 By: chris Category: News

Victor Jenkins, who wrote the recent excellent article on modifying the AGC system on his S940, has also written of his experiences in solving a loss of sensitivity and a tracking error on the same receiver which he tracked down to an earthing problem. His investigation and solutions make a very interesting article which he has shared with us. You can find the article in the Restoration section.



Tuning an AGC system on an S940, article by Victor Jenkins

May 01, 2021 By: chris Category: News

Recent Forum discussions have covered tuning the AGC system on older Eddystone sets and Victor Jenkins has designed a modification which enables you to select a suitable AGC decay time for different modes, i.e. Off/AM/SSB. With encouragement from Gerry O’Hara, I am pleased to reveal that Victor has produced an excellent article on his modifications which, he assures us can be removed in only a few minutes to take the set back to original form. Victor did this work on the 940 but he thinks it could also apply to other sets. The article is in the Restoration section of the website.

Rare EC10 “Seaguide” manual added to Service Manual section

April 28, 2021 By: chris Category: News

The EC10 “Seaguide” variant has been the subject of much discussion in the Eddystone User Group over the years. It was a variant of the EC10 series of receivers but badged for Marconi Marine. Graeme doesn’t mention it in the “Quick Reference Guide” so we don’t know how many were made. There are a few sets, whose existence is known about, in collections and certainly Ben has one in the Military Wireless Museum. Richard GM0OGN kindly provided us with a copy of the Instruction Manual for this set and we have added it to the Service Manual list on this website. The set has a DF facility which can be used with either a rotating loop or Bellini-Tosi fixed loop and Goniometer type antenna system. The set covers the frequency range 150kHz to 22MHz in five bands.




Wanted Cabinet for Eddystone 670A

April 12, 2021 By: chris Category: Wanted

Andrew 2E0NDZ in Stratford upon Avon is looking for a cabinet, any colour, for an Eddystone 670A receiver. If you can help Andrew then please contact him on  andrewhumphriss@tinyworld.co.uk




Sections 4 & 5 to 1650/9 service manual added

April 10, 2021 By: chris Category: News

Thanks to Alan Ainslie we have now added Sections 4 & 5 to the 1650/9 Service Manual in the Service Manual & Handbooks section of the website.



Dismantled 770R in Alabama, USA, FOC to good home

March 29, 2021 By: chris Category: For Sale

Rod WA4MAO in Alabama, USA,  has a 770R which he acquired some years ago in an auction and took apart to clean it up. It is available Free of Charge to anyone who can give it a good home. Rod had a car accident which meant he could not complete the rebuild so it was put in store for some years. The set worked OK when purchased but is now in bits. If you are looking for a project and would be interested in this set then contact Rod who is located in north central Alabama. The set can be picked up or Rod will ship for costs. Rod can be contacted on  rodsdyno@gmail.com





Eddystone Plug-in Coils and IF converter For Sale

March 24, 2021 By: chris Category: For Sale

The Eddystone go-to spares guy, Ian Nutt, M0ECQ, is selling some old parts which might appeal to restorers of vintage Eddystones. They are not guaranteed and the All Wave Choke part No982 (13-2000 metres) is slightly damaged internally but could probably be restored. 

The 500-100Kc/s converter is apparently unused and comes in its original box. Ian would like them all to go to good homes!

Interested parties should email Ian directly on iandcnutt@msn.com