Ian Nutt M0ECQ, who has provided a “not-for-profit” spares service for the Eddystone User Group for many years, has advised me that he has quite a sizeable stock of component parts for the switch wafers commonly used on Eddystone receivers and has the necessary tools for forming the hollow rivets used to hold the various parts in place. Ian has recently made a replacement wafer for an EUG member which is shown in the photo. The new one is on the right.

Ian tells me he may be able to repair other switch wafers for Eddystone users, (but he can’t guarantee it will always be possible).
Ian proposes the following procedure for those interested in this service
- Interested persons should contact Ian by email ( iandcnutt@msn.com ) first and send him a photo of the wafer in question
- If it looks repairable or replaceable Ian will ask the person to send the wafer to him
- Ian will then either make a replica from new parts or repair the old, whichever seems most appropriate, as long as this is possible from the parts he has.
Ian also has quite a few original NOS wafers in various styles including for some of the more modern sets, so it is worth checking with him if you need a replacement
Chris G0EYO EUG Admin