May 31, 2020
By: chris
Category: News
In our For Sale and Wanted section we warn users to be aware of the danger of being scammed when buying or selling Eddystone equipment. It has been many years since we heard of anyone being scammed but it looks as if someone has recently suffered such an event. A genuine user requested, through the Wanted section, for Eddystone 750 parts and was offered a complete 750 for US$150 from the USA. The payment included shipping to Australia and payment was made via Paypal to someone of a different name to the seller (warning bells?). The seller sent a copy of the waybill which the purchaser now believes to be a fake. The seller is not answering e mails and the purchaser is trying to reclaim a refund from Paypal. These are semi-sophisticated scams and given that any sale or purchase is done on trust they are easy to fall prey to. When purchasing from unknown or non-verifiable parties (callsigns are verifiable) always ask to see proof of the existence of the materials (lots of photos so not just “library” shots). Ask questions which only an owner is likely to know and of course deal through someone like Paypal where you can register a complaint, (not Western Union) and only to the account of the seller. If you have doubts ask on the forum if anyone has dealt with that seller/purchaser before. As the innocent party says “Caveat Emptor”.
May 29, 2020
By: chris
Category: News
Gerry has been back to his store of Eddystones and has brought out his S830/4 receiver which had already been the subject of several restorations. Here he brings it back up to specification with a thorough check-over and change of some components. You can read about it here Download
May 21, 2020
By: chris
Category: News
Gerry O’Hara VE7GUH has been back to his store to bring his 680/2 back out for a Restoration ” MOT ” in this new article download article
May 11, 2020
By: chris
Category: News
Following his recent article on the fitting a 500kHz Crystal Calibrator in an Eddystone S940, Gerry has gone a bit further and fitted a Digital Frequency Meter. You can read about it here Postscript to Installing Xtal Calibrator in S940
May 09, 2020
By: chris
Category: News
Following a house move Gerry O’Hara VE7GUH got his S888A Amateur band receiver out of store and decided to give it the once over. When he bought it some years earlier from a UK ham he didn’t even give the set his usual thorough check-out as it was in very good cosmetic condition and performed well. As a consequence he never wrote an article on it for the Restoration section of our website. Well he has given it a thorough check out and written it for us to enjoy.Eddystone S.888A Revisited
April 21, 2020
By: chris
Category: News
Following a request from John G8GMB, Ian Nutt M0ECQ has found manufacturing information on the Mains Filter Unit Model 732 which was designed specifically to reduce interference on board ship where the sparking at the dynamo commutator was notoriously ‘dirty’. Intended especially for the AC/DC sets model 670 and 670A . You will find this in the Technical/Service Manuals folder under Accessories.
April 18, 2020
By: chris
Category: News
Gerry O’Hara shows you how to install the 500kHz calibrator for an Eddystone 730/4 into an S940 he was working on. The S940 has reasonable scale accuracy, claimed to be 0.5% on all ranges in the specifications – sounds ok, but that’s 150KHz at 30MHz, so it would be useful to have a calibration signal (‘pip’) to inject when needed. 500KHz crystal calibrator in an Eddystone S940
April 13, 2020
By: chris
Category: News
Gerry recently spent the evening checking out anew antenna with my Eddystone S.940, recently brought out of ‘mothballs’ in the garage. The receiver was giving a good account for itself on the 50‘ of wire but he noticed a few problems with the BFO so decided to give it the once-over and has written account for you all to read Eddystone S.940 Revisited
April 11, 2020
By: chris
Category: News
Gerry VE7GUH has revisited his Eddystone S.750, article here, and while waiting for my next ‘customers’ radio restoration project to arrive, he was looking for another ‘distraction’ as he was holed-up in the house due to the Covid-19 virus like everyone else. Then he remembered that I he had come across a reproduction finger-plate and scale plate for my S.640 in his box of Eddystone bits and pieces while he was retrieving the powder-coated front panel casting for the S.750. Eddystone S640 Revisited 2020
April 07, 2020
By: chris
Category: News
Gerry has written a follow-on article on the restoration of his 2006 piece on restoring an S750. Shortly after restoring the S750 he obtained a replacement cast front panel which he eventually had sand blasted and powder coated. Finding a fault on the S750 he decided to replace the front panel whilst he was repairing the receiver. You can find the article here Eddystone 750 Revisited 2020