Eddystone User Group

Archive for the ‘Wanted’

Wanted: cabinet for EC958 receiver

July 27, 2020 By: chris Category: Wanted

Lawrence G4GZG  in Torquay, South Devon is looking to buy an Eddystone 8256/1P cabinet for EC958 receiver, or advice on similar case to fit. Reasonable price paid depending on condition plus carriage. If you think you can help Lawrence please contact him on    g4gzg@yahoo.com






Mains connector for Eddystone S870A wanted

May 04, 2020 By: chris Category: Wanted

Eddie King  G4HWC/DJ0SS in Wedermark, Germany is looking a mains connector for his S870A. Eddie knows these are rare item but is willing to pay a reasonable price. If you can help Eddie the contact him via e mail 

Eddie King <KingEdwin@gmx.net>





Wanted Eddystone 990R VHF receiver in table top cabinet

March 19, 2020 By: chris Category: Wanted

Bruce KA2IVY in Syracuse, New York wants to buy a 990R VHF receiver in table top cabinet. Need not be working but must be complete. Bruce will meet all shipping costs contact Bruce on ka2ivy@verizon.net if you can help him

Edited to change request from 990S to 990R receiver 30/6/2020



Eddystone 830 parts wanted

March 12, 2020 By: chris Category: Wanted

Ferando EA4BB and his friend EA3AER, are each restoring an Eddystone 830, and they are in need of some parts, such as;

  1. knobs either with aluminium inserts or the older version
  2. finger plates and,
  3.  the cabinet

If you can help Fernando then contact him on rumbek@gmail.com






Eddystone EA12 or 830 receiver wanted

January 06, 2020 By: chris Category: Wanted

Tony near Hull is looking for an 830 or EA12 in excellent full working condition. He is prepared to travel up to 100 miles to collect or pay for a courier. If you can help Tony then contact him via e-mail  hiyatone@hiyatone.karoo.co.uk





Wanted 990S PCB or set for parting

December 13, 2019 By: chris Category: Wanted

Massimo, IZ3WWO has an EDDYSTONE 990S receiver, on which the main electronic board 6883 P / L  has been destroyed making it no longer usable. Massimo is looking for a replacement PCB 6883 P / L. Alternatively an  Eddystone 990S receiver for breaking from which he can  recover the part he needs. If you can help Massimo the contact him on nichisolomassimo@gmail.com






Wanted Case for Eddystone730/1A

November 20, 2019 By: chris Category: Wanted

Mario Volpini, an Italian  collector of military radio surplus is looking for a outer case for an Eddystone 730/1A. Mario lives in Pisa and can be contacted by email v.maryone@libero.it




S659/670 handle screws wanted

November 04, 2019 By: chris Category: Wanted

Nick Van Vonno in Melbourne, Florida finally located a S.659/670 to replace the one he let get away a long time ago. It was shipped from UK and arrived in pretty good shape, but one of the handles was broken off.  This involved breakage of both screws, which Nick considers was  a carefully thought out way of limiting the damage to the front panel. The handle on Nick’s set is not damaged, however he can’t locate the two brass replacement screws so is appealing for help from the Eddystone User Group to find him some. If you can help Nick contact him on nvv@cfl.rr.com 



Wanted Eddystone EC-958

September 23, 2019 By: chris Category: Wanted

Peter M1BCV in East Sussex is looking for an  Eddystone EC-958 receiver. He doesn’t specify a version but would prefer a fully working one in a reasonable condition. He might consider one with a fault as long as it is complete and the fault is not too serious a problem to fix. If you can help Peter please contact him on 





Eddystone 880/1 wanted

September 05, 2019 By: chris Category: Wanted

Steve M6WAA in Cheshire is looking to acquire an Eddystone 880/1 receiver. If you can help Steve contact him on  chunky9@btinternet.com