Queen Mary Radio Room and its manager Nate Brightman K6OSC (SK)
Interesting extract from a recent California Historical Radio Society Newsletter sent in by Gerry O’Hara VE7GUH concerning the radio room on the Queen Mary, now a ship hotel in Long Beach. One of the pictures shows the Stratton built IMR54 aka as the Eddystone S700. The article is about Nate Brightman K6OSC, whom the Radio Room on the QM is named after. Nate went SK in 2016 aged 99 years. Nate operated as K6OSC for nearly 60 years and served as president of the board of directors of the Associated Radio Amateurs of Long Beach. The Queen Mary club station W6RO started operation in 1979 and Nate managed it until his retirement in 2013. The picture of the IMR54 in the EUG Quick Reference Guide produced by Graeme Wormald G3GGL (SK) is attributed to Nate Brightman. The article is reproduced with kind permission of the California Historical Radio Society and our thanks to Gerry O’Hara for finding the article and obtaining permission to add to our website in the “Eddystones in Famous Places” section.