Eddystone User Group

Contact & Comments

You can contact the Eddystone User Group by writing to

Chris Pettitt
EUG Webmaster
12 Hennals Avenue, Webheath, Redditch, B97 5RX

Or by email g0eyo(at)blueyonder.co.uk


 By far the best way of entering  into a dialogue with other Eddystone enthusiasts is to join the Eddystone User Groups.io forum. https://groups.io/g/EddystoneUserGroup Here you will find 400+ Eddystone enthusiasts and experts who can answer your questions and give advice.



  1. Hi dear Eddystone users, I have a 990R receiver 1967/1968/1972 version according to the brochures on your site, it is not functioning, however, would you be interested in it ? You can get it for free, but the only thing is that it has to be shipped from Holland to you by mail or packet mail delivery.

  2. Ángel Manuel Gómez Martínez EA4GOG says:

    Hello, Chris! I am an Angel EA4GOG of Madrid Spain. I have good news by half! I have achieved that me 990 R receives broadcasting stations again in FM and sign in the rest of the bands, but it continues with another problem. Only it receives in NARROW and in AGC. All this next of having changed the cables of the switches. Later, I them got in touch according to the scheme, but I stop receiving and sounding. Now, since handyman more above I have achieved that it works again, but in a described way. Someone might help me to find the way of which the MANUAL way and the WIDE is active again. To the last one I changed to him all the transistors AF239 making them new: but not nevertheless! There is no apparent mind any problem in the filter module. Current enters every position of the switch, and the trafos of Intermediate Frequency work, but it receives in NARROW. As my English level is very low, I do not dare to begin the forum to consult this. Might anybody send to me by e-mail the wiring of the switch of AGC/Manual? As I have charm according to the scheme but I do not rely. And some indications on as to repair these problems. It would remain very grateful. Nevertheless, I continue in the search of another recipient 990R. One week ago I could buy one: but it was one 990S! Waiting for answer one dismisses attentively Angel EA4GOG 73. renfe333@hotmail.com

  3. Steve Connelly says:

    I have my Dad’s old Eddystone B34 receiver and box of coils, no speaker unfortunately. It hasn’t been used since the 80’s but is in good condition. Would any of your members like to give it a good home, rather than it going to land fill, I’m moving house in the next month and cant take it with me. I am in Essex and am prepared to travel to meet if required. Ive been told it’s worth £75 plus…..£50 and it’s yours….thanks Steve

  4. Many years ago (15 to 20) I purchased two Eddystones; then in 2010 had a major stroke and lost the ability to do precise electronic work, after a lifetime of being a technician! I recall a major problem with both RXs. The dial cords were intact but had slipped (off the various pulleys etc .Hoping the manuals will include ‘dial stringing’?
    I also have an R107, essentially complete but needs ‘de-modifying’ and fuses added.
    In 2015, with my son, I obtained my Newfoundland-Canadian Amateur licence. Also recall I used to chat with someone active with this group (Graham xxxx?), some 15 or 20 years ago, but believe he may have gone (permanently) QRT.

    • Ah; I apologise for the error, in my previous posting it should have been Graeme Wormald; now SK.

  5. Angel M Gomez says:

    Recently, two days before… be selling a 990S. Grrrr! I think what be an R model in Ebay offer, but no! Could be difficulty find one… Keep on searching! 73 Angel EA4GOG

  6. Angel M Gomez says:

    Hi,Chris! Thanks you very much for publishing my announce of searching for an 990R! 73. Angel
