Eddystone User Group

Author Archive

A Merry Christmas to all our readers

December 23, 2020 By: chris Category: News

On behalf of the Eddystone User Group Admin and moderators, I wish all our friends a Very Merry Christmas. Without doubt 2020 has been a year without precedent. Last Christmas no-one could have foreseen what was ahead of us. This coronavirus has affected everyone, from mild inconvenience to the loss of income or even, sadly, the loss of a loved one. Many of our followers are of an age that is probably considered vulnerable and have had to be shielded from the rest of the world. This may have meant more free time to work on those old sets, for the website and the forum have been busy with requests for help which to a large part we have been able to satisfy. The For Sale and Wanted section of the website has been popular and we have been able to help a number of families move on loved sets.  Although our costs are very modest I am glad to say that generous donations from friends and enthusiast have helped us meet them. We all hope that 2021 and vaccinations will get the better of this dreaded virus and life can get back to what will no doubt become a new normal.

We wish you all the best and a Happy New Year but above all please stay safe.

Chris G0EYO EUG Webmaster and Administrator



Mystery Escutcheon: does anyone recognise what set this was used on?

December 22, 2020 By: chris Category: News

An Eddystone user has come across this Escutcheon which has an Eddystone lighthouse motif on it so reasonably concludes that it must have come from an Eddystone set from the 20’s or 30’s. Research in all the usual places and request on the EUG Forum have failed to come with any information. Do you recognise what set this was used on. If so contact admin Chris G0EYO on g0eyo@blueyonder.co.uk  






Factory Issued Cord Replacement Instructions for 730 series and 830/7

December 17, 2020 By: chris Category: News

There are plenty of requests for information on Eddystone Receiver Cord Replacement on the EUG Forum and we already have Gerry O’Hara’s VE7GUH Technical Short No 20 on Drive Mechanisms and Gearboxes in the Restoration section. Ian Nutt M0ECQ has found two Works procedures which he has kindly copied for inclusion on the website. These procedures cover Cord Replacement for the 730 series and for the 830/7 receiver and have been added to the Restoration section.



Eddystone EC958/12 Receiver for sale

December 04, 2020 By: chris Category: For Sale

Federico IZ1FID in Italy has a rare EC-958/12 receiver complete with Manual with schematics he would like to sell. See : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZupB0Q4ns2g (note sound track is in Italian). If you would like to know more then contact Federico via email : federico.baldi@dottorbaldi.it 





Wanted:  Eddystone HF Radio Receiver

December 03, 2020 By: chris Category: Wanted


Gary Stitt KB9JTX in Illinois, United States is looking to purchase an Eddystone radio receiver.  An S.830 or EC-958 would be preferred, but others will be considered if they include the A.M. broadcast band.  GWO is preferable, particularly for the more complex EC-958.  Badge-engineered versions such as Marconi and Hagenuk are fine.  Willing to pay a good price for a fine radio, together with all shipping costs.  Please contact Gary at gstitt.docz@yahoo.com if you can help.





Miniature plug-in coil 706/P pink wanted

November 30, 2020 By: chris Category: Wanted

Lou Vermond VE3AWA in Canada is looking to purchase the miniature plug-in coil 706/P pink as shown on the attached advert. If you can help Lou contact him on Ldvermond@sympatico.ca


















Article on installing a Product Detector to the S680X

November 19, 2020 By: chris Category: News

Older Eddystones do not have product detectors, so resolving SSB signals can be a bit difficult with just the BFO and adjusting the RF and AF controls. Roy Kavanagh GM4VKI has modified his S680X to incorporate a product detector and has provided a step by step write up on how to do it. You will find his article in the Restorations folder but you can download a copy from here. 




Free battery labels for EC10/EB series

November 09, 2020 By: chris Category: For Sale

Joe K9LY in Chicago has several home-made adhesive labels for the battery tray of the Eddystone EC10 and EB series receivers. He will send 2 pieces in return for:

  • those inside the U.S.: a self-addressed stamped envelope (at least 6 inches long) with first-class U.S. postage (55 cents / “Forever” stamp)
  • those outside the U.S.: Email me and we will work something out. How about a picture postcard via post of the city or region where you live? :-) 

Email Joe for postal address.   K9LY [at] arrl [dot] net









Eddystone Slide Rule Gears for Sale

October 10, 2020 By: chris Category: For Sale

Pete Williams VK3IZ in Australia is offering slide rule  gears  for  Eddystone  and  similar  receivers. He persuaded  a  friend to  produce  a  few  pairs of  slide rule  tuning  gears  for the    Eddystone 750  and /or  similar  receivers. They  are aluminium  faithfully  copied  from the  original.  The attaching pin  for    the  cord  or  wire is of  brass so it  can  be  soldered

Price will be   Aus $35   a pair  plus air post  cost.—Paypal  OK. Contact Pete via e mail     jupete@internode.on.net 






See For Sale section – Rare opportunity to purchase two S696/1 Absorption Meters with history

September 18, 2020 By: chris Category: News

Nigel G6DGR in Sutton Coldfield is helping his father-in-law Ken G3PMW dispose of his radio equipment and has discovered two rather rare Eddystone Absorption Wavemeters S696/1 complete and in wooden carrying cases, coils and calibration charts. The S696/1 was supplied with nine coils and covered the frequency range 200 kc/s to 200 Mc/s. Price in 1954: £13 10s 6d.

Ken was a Marconi TV Transmitter engineer in Chelmsford from 1950 until he retired in 1990. Ken says that these two units were bought by Marconi in 1954. They were bought just as the meters and coil sets and the boxes and aluminium graph plates were made by the company to protect them while in use. When Marconi pensioned them off, he and his pal Roy G3PMX bought one each and when Roy became SK some years ago, his unit was passed to Ken. Both Ken and Roy were members of the Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society for many years.

Go to For Sale section (right) for more details THESE HAVE NOW BEEN SOLD TO ALAN AINSLIE AT THE EDDYSTONE MUSEUM.