Eddystone User Group

Author Archive

Wanted IF Transformer for S750 Radio

December 22, 2022 By: chris Category: Wanted

Steve in Stroud, Glos is looking for an I.F. transformer for his S750 radio. The one he needs is marked as 3rd I.F. on the circuit diagram and has the part number D1535 stamped on the base plate, it’s the final 85KHZ variable bandwidth one, ( see attached picture). The secondary winding is O/C and Steve has checked the connections from the terminations of the coil to the connecting wire links and no break is visible so the failure is deep within the coil itself unfortunately. If you can help Steve contact him via e mail SteveJawor60@outlook.com










A Story about an Eddystone 888A

December 21, 2022 By: chris Category: News


The Eddystone User Group website was started in 2006 when EUG Administrator and Newsletter Editor, Graeme Wormald G3GGL, decided at 75 years of age it was time to retire. The objective was to take all the Eddystone service manuals, archives and newsletter information that Graeme had written, collated, found and stored over the years and load it on to a single website where it could be freely downloaded by any Eddystone enthusiast. To this was added articles on the Restoration of Eddystone receivers, mostly produced by Gerry O’Hara VE7GUH, but added to by others who wanted to share their experiences. To date we have some 60+ restoration articles from various authors  plus 28 Technical Shorts written by Gerry, each focussing on a specific technical issue in repairing and restoring these receivers. We encourage anyone, who wishes to pass on their experience working on Eddystone sets to write it up and submit it for publication.

Every so often we get to hear of someone who purchases a set with the sole aim of getting back to factory specification (or even better). No small feat when we remember we are talking about radios which could be anything up to 80 years old and, of course, not everyone has the skills or facilities to be able to do such a thing.

Victor Jenkins purchased a Eddystone 888A together with S meter and speaker which had been generously donated to the Eddystone User Group by a long time member Richard Hall GM0OGN, to raise funds to keep the website running. Victor paid a very generous price for the trio which were in nice cosmetic condition even though I had not powered the set up. Victor is well known for the thoroughness of his restorations and as a retired electronics engineer knows his way around valve circuits. He has now fully restored his 888A and kept a diary of his experiences which we are publishing here. It makes a great read and takes us through the ups and downs of working on these old sets. I hope you enjoy it. I certainly did and thank Victor for sharing it with us.

Chris G0EYO EUG Admin.

PS.    Your Administrator and the EUG gnomes wish all EUGers a Very Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year. These are difficult times but if anyone is feeling generous, a donation towards the running costs of this site and the EUG groups.io forum is always very welcome.



Wanted original ECR service manual and other items

December 20, 2022 By: chris Category: Wanted

UPDATED 23/12/22

Andy Humphriss in Stratford upon Avon is looking to acquire the following for his E.C.R. receiver:

  1. Original copy of the Eddystone E.C.R. Manual,
  2. Mains transformer (can be re wound )
  3. Crystal phasing /Selectivity unit in a die cast box, (NEW ITEM)

If you can help Andy contact him on andrew.humphriss222@outlook.com




Eddystone 750 receiver for sale in Brisbane, Australia

December 16, 2022 By: chris Category: For Sale

Pete Williams VK3IZ in Brisbane 4034, Australia is going into residential care and has an Eddystone 750 receiver he would like to sell to someone  who can make  a  sensible offer  and who can also organise collection or a courier. Pete can be contacted via email  jupete@internode.on.net 




Wanted Power Transformer for S640

November 01, 2022 By: chris Category: Wanted

Bob Clifford in Bromsgrove, Worcs, is looking for a replacement original power transformer for his recently purchased S640 as the one in-situ is non standard. If you can help Bob please contact him on bobaclifford@icloud.com



Wanted Loudspeaker for 730/4 receiver

September 26, 2022 By: chris Category: Wanted

Alan Cavender, near Hexham in Northumberland, is looking for an Eddystone speaker for his 730/4 receiver.  If you can help Alan then please contact him via e mail  alcav@yahoo.com.






Eddystone S640 Looking for a good home FOC.

September 25, 2022 By: chris Category: For Sale

Martin Evans in Alton, Hampshire has an S640 receiver which he bought as a teenager in about 1970 and used through his school and university years.  It hasn’t been powered on since cf. 1980 and has collected dust in his loft space until now.  He recently moved house and decided that he was unlikely to have the skills or motivation to restore the set.  Martin is looking to donate it to someone who will give it the care and appreciation that it deserves. As you can see from the pictures the set needs a good clean up but Martin says it was working when last used, and the mechanics of the stringing mechanism seems OK. There is some rust on the case and internal frame. 

Given the weight of the set it would need to be collected or a courier organised by whoever collects it.

If you are interested in this generous offer then please contact Martin via email






















Information wanted to repair EP961 Mk 2 Panadaptor

August 20, 2022 By: chris Category: Wanted

Bart Slager is looking for information and parts for his EP961 which until recently was working OK then suddenly lost high tension. Unfortunately the high tension unit is fully encapsulated and he has been unable to source a replacement.

Bart thinks that if he knew the part number of the transformer and the pcb he might have better luck. However his copy of the  manual doesn’t have the section with the part numbers for the transformers and pcb’s.

Therefore he is seeking help from;

– anyone knows these parts numbers

– anyone has any experience in repairing the unit

– anyone is ready for selling an EP961MkII-B in parts or complete

If you can help Bart contact him via e mail on bart.slager@gmail.com


Eddystone 870A For Sale

July 26, 2022 By: chris Category: For Sale


Mike Meadows G4GUG, in Stroud, Glos, is selling an Eddystone 870A receiver on behalf of an elderly Radio Amateur. The set is shown above and is said to be in good working order with the smoothing and decoupling capacitors having been replaced. A selling price of £100 is sought. If possible the buyer should collect. Mike is acting as a 0% broker for a u3a registered charity. If you are interested in this receiver contact Mike via e mail on







Wanted Eddystone 358X and accessories

May 30, 2022 By: chris Category: Wanted

James in Bromsgrove, Worcs is interested in acquiring an Eddystone 385x with speaker, power unit, and
coils. Any condition considered. If you can help James contact him via Email james_clifford2@yahoo.co.uk