March 20, 2020
By: chris
Category: News
Richard G8MWQ has been restoring a recently purchased EC10 Mk 1 which was in a pretty poor state. The first thing he noticed was the frequency scale was badly damaged. There were sufficient markings left to allow him to redraw the scale using a software package called Eagle CAD. The redrawn scale was mirror printed onto a piece of Inkjet Printable A4 Clear/Transparent Vinyl Glossy Self Adhesive Sticker from Amazon, this was then attached to the rear of the original glass (after cleaning off the remaining silk screen print), Richard attached the PDFs to a recent EddystoneUserGroup forum e mail so I have added them to the restoration section of the website. Richard say please make sure that when printed the horizontal scales are 250mm length. He also say that note, the writing is black which shows up remarkably well against the grey background, as CMYK printers cannot print white this was considered suitable. – Chris G0EYO
January 06, 2020
By: chris
Category: News
Access to the information on this website is freely available to everyone. However web-sites don’t come for free and we have just paid our annual ISP bill and have also recently paid to have the Yahoo forum transferred to We are fortunate to be able to fund the website and the maintenance of the archives through generous donations from our users, so we rarely need to make a direct appeal. However with recent expenses this is probably a good time to make such an appeal. So, if you have found this website useful, and would like to make a contribution to its upkeep you can make a donation via paypal using account donations(at) ( replace (at) with @) marking the payment as gift to avoid paypal charges. Alternatively you can do a bank transfer, so contact our EUG Patron, Chris Pettitt G0EYO via e mail g0eyo(at) and he will send you instructions on how to make a donation.
October 17, 2019
By: chris
Category: News
Eddystone User Group Forum
Want help on servicing your Eddystone?. Got good advice for others who may need help?. Want to exchange information?. This forum is for the use of all who appreciate the radios and associated items made by Eddystone Radio in the UK. It is hosted on the site under the moderation of EUG Trustees Chris Pettitt G0EYO, Chris Harmer M0HMR and Gerry O’Hara VE7GUH. We would encourage you to sign up to the forum. To join send an e mail to Chris G0EYO stating your callsign if you have one, or your location and why you want to join the group. We will then send an invite for you to join. We currently have nearly 500 members in the group. First postings are moderated but only to protect us from the usual internet problems.
A great deal of Eddystone equipment is still in use by those who appreciate the looks, the classic mechanical and electrical design, and the superb operating “feel” of these radios. For over 50 years, the Eddystone brand was the radio of choice for Governments, Armed Forces and Maritime Services worldwide. Please use this site for discussion, reminiscences, anecdotes, sales and wants, indeed anything relating to Eddystone equipment and associated topics.
October 16, 2019
By: chris
Category: News
We are in the process of moving the Eddystone User Group Forum from Yahoo Groups to
The reasons are many, but since finding we could no longer access our photos on Yahoo and finding a statement that Yahoo will no longer be accepting content after October 21st and will be deleting all content on December 14, like many others before us we decided to make the move. offers better features and is easier to use – plus no advertisements ever (they are committed to a “Freemium” business model).
All of our content will be copied to the new service (messages, photos, etc.) and of course the list of subscribers (members). However Yahoo Groups has been very unreliable lately. will do their best, but there is a good chance that they may not be able to transfer all of our messages, photos or files. They will tell me which ones they were not able to transfer. The transfer may take some days as they are very busy with transfers at the moment.
The new site is here if you want to take a look, but none of our content has been copied there yet except for the home page I created:
Chris G0EYO
EUG Administrator
June 25, 2019
By: chris
Category: News
Mike VK4GV has written a fully tested procedure for the alignment of the 100kHz IF Filter on the Eddystone 1830/1 Receiver – see it in the Technical / Restorations section.
May 04, 2019
By: chris
Category: News, Wanted

Chris G4UDG has built an AW-2 working replica. He only has one coil (white spot) and is wishing to extend the range by purchasing other coils. He does have spare former so he could wind one if need be but would rather purchase them made up. If you can help Chris contact him on
April 13, 2019
By: chris
Category: News, Whats New
Gerry O’Hara has written an article on how to work in the confined spaces of your Eddystone receiver. Based on his vast experience of restoring Eddystone receivers, he gives examples of how he has overcome the problems faced and the tools he has used to make the job easier. You will find the article in the Restoration section of the Technical Folder.
April 11, 2019
By: chris
Category: News, Whats New
We have added a couple of restoration articles to our Technical/Restoration section.
One by Gary Albach of Canada on restoring an S750 and the other by Mike VK4GV on the renovation, alignment and testing of an !830/1. A lot of work has gone into these projects and there is a great deal of useful information for anyone considering working on the same receivers.
April 09, 2019
By: chris
Category: News
I had an email this morning from a Julie Roome, whose grandfather, Arthur Colban worked for Laughton/Eddystone as Security Guard/Timekeeper at the West Heath factory for 22 years from 1938 until his death in 1960. At the time of his passing, boss of Laughton’s George A Laughton sent the family a letter of condolence (reproduced below) and stating that Arthur had joined the company when they took over the Globe Factory of O.C. Hawkes. Mr Laughton mentions Arthur’s excellent wartime service with the company and the outstanding work he did when on duty during the bombing of the company’s Bromsgrove Street factories in 1940. 
The picture shows Arthur (on the right) with a colleague outside the West Heath Factory. A nice bit of Eddystone history.
April 07, 2019
By: chris
Category: News, Whats New
Mike VK4GV has written very detailed description of the restoration, alignment and testing of his 1830/1 receiver. He has made a beautiful job and the set looks pristine. You will find this in the Restoration section of the Technical Folder where the sets are listed in number order.