Eddystone Adverts Page
This is the page where we will provide miscellaneous adverts from various journals advertising Eddystone products. We will continue to add to it as information becomes available. Download the information you require by clicking on the Hyperlinks below:
- Eddystone 750 collection of adverts (thanks to Ken Brooks G3XSJ
- Eddystone EA12 Short Wave Magazine Advert(thanks to Ken Brooks G3XSJ)
- Review of 750 by Jerry Walker G5JU (thanks to Ken Brooks G3XSJ)
- Collection of Adverts from Wireless World c 1972-73 for Eddystone Receivers (thanks to David Dickinson)
- Eddystone 958 Advert from Electronics International Today Sept 73 (thanks to David Dickinson)
- Daily Herald Wireless Handbook 1934 Advert for Eddystone Shortwave sets (thanks to John Carter G4LPY)
- May 1936 RSGB Bulletin Advert for All World Two ( thanks to Louis Vermond VE3AWA )ww ads
(click on pic to enlarge)
- Collection of Adverts from Wireless World c 1959-1966 (thanks to Gerry O’Hara VE7GUH
- Adverts for Vacancies at Eddystone Works (thanks to Gerry O’Hara VE7GUH
- Edometer write up
- Adverts for HP Radio Liverpool for Eddystone sets 1960’s
- H2301 Write up
- COSH and Hammond Advert for EC10
(click on pic to enlarge)
- Advert and competition for S640/680 receivers from late 1940s copy of “Break-in” published in New Zealand and sent in by David ZL3DWS via Gerry VE7GUH
- Advert for Eddystone receivers by Imhofs in the Wireless World 1968 edition of the Guide to Broadcasting Stations
(click on pic to enlarge)