Author Archive
April 13, 2020
By: chris
Category: News
Gerry recently spent the evening checking out anew antenna with my Eddystone S.940, recently brought out of ‘mothballs’ in the garage. The receiver was giving a good account for itself on the 50‘ of wire but he noticed a few problems with the BFO so decided to give it the once-over and has written account for you all to read Eddystone S.940 Revisited
April 11, 2020
By: chris
Category: News
Gerry VE7GUH has revisited his Eddystone S.750, article here, and while waiting for my next ‘customers’ radio restoration project to arrive, he was looking for another ‘distraction’ as he was holed-up in the house due to the Covid-19 virus like everyone else. Then he remembered that I he had come across a reproduction finger-plate and scale plate for my S.640 in his box of Eddystone bits and pieces while he was retrieving the powder-coated front panel casting for the S.750. Eddystone S640 Revisited 2020
April 07, 2020
By: chris
Category: News
Gerry has written a follow-on article on the restoration of his 2006 piece on restoring an S750. Shortly after restoring the S750 he obtained a replacement cast front panel which he eventually had sand blasted and powder coated. Finding a fault on the S750 he decided to replace the front panel whilst he was repairing the receiver. You can find the article here Eddystone 750 Revisited 2020
March 20, 2020
By: chris
Category: News
Richard G8MWQ has been restoring a recently purchased EC10 Mk 1 which was in a pretty poor state. The first thing he noticed was the frequency scale was badly damaged. There were sufficient markings left to allow him to redraw the scale using a software package called Eagle CAD. The redrawn scale was mirror printed onto a piece of Inkjet Printable A4 Clear/Transparent Vinyl Glossy Self Adhesive Sticker from Amazon, this was then attached to the rear of the original glass (after cleaning off the remaining silk screen print), Richard attached the PDFs to a recent EddystoneUserGroup forum e mail so I have added them to the restoration section of the website. Richard say please make sure that when printed the horizontal scales are 250mm length. He also say that note, the writing is black which shows up remarkably well against the grey background, as CMYK printers cannot print white this was considered suitable. – Chris G0EYO
March 19, 2020
By: chris
Category: Wanted
Bruce KA2IVY in Syracuse, New York wants to buy a 990R VHF receiver in table top cabinet. Need not be working but must be complete. Bruce will meet all shipping costs contact Bruce on if you can help him
Edited to change request from 990S to 990R receiver 30/6/2020
March 12, 2020
By: chris
Category: Wanted
Ferando EA4BB and his friend EA3AER, are each restoring an Eddystone 830, and they are in need of some parts, such as;
- knobs either with aluminium inserts or the older version
- finger plates and,
- the cabinet
If you can help Fernando then contact him on
February 27, 2020
By: chris
Category: For Sale
Keith, G0THF is selling surplus equipment from Chesterfield & District Scouts Amateur Radio Club. He has an Eddystone S902 Grid Dip Meter for sale without carrying box or insert coils. The serial no. is GR0216. As it is being sold on behalf of the Scouts, Keith is asking £60 plus postage. He can be contacted via e mail at
January 06, 2020
By: chris
Category: Wanted
Tony near Hull is looking for an 830 or EA12 in excellent full working condition. He is prepared to travel up to 100 miles to collect or pay for a courier. If you can help Tony then contact him via e-mail
January 06, 2020
By: chris
Category: News
Access to the information on this website is freely available to everyone. However web-sites don’t come for free and we have just paid our annual ISP bill and have also recently paid to have the Yahoo forum transferred to We are fortunate to be able to fund the website and the maintenance of the archives through generous donations from our users, so we rarely need to make a direct appeal. However with recent expenses this is probably a good time to make such an appeal. So, if you have found this website useful, and would like to make a contribution to its upkeep you can make a donation via paypal using account donations(at) ( replace (at) with @) marking the payment as gift to avoid paypal charges. Alternatively you can do a bank transfer, so contact our EUG Patron, Chris Pettitt G0EYO via e mail g0eyo(at) and he will send you instructions on how to make a donation.
December 13, 2019
By: chris
Category: Wanted
Massimo, IZ3WWO has an EDDYSTONE 990S receiver, on which the main electronic board 6883 P / L has been destroyed making it no longer usable. Massimo is looking for a replacement PCB 6883 P / L. Alternatively an Eddystone 990S receiver for breaking from which he can recover the part he needs. If you can help Massimo the contact him on